
This Netflix Original Series is a story revolving around 8 individuals around the world who are connected, able to access each other's abilities, languages, thoughts, and actions. They are all unique, from separate backgrounds and cultures, getting to know each other very well through learning that they're able to communicate and through the fact that they all have something in common besides their unusually special connection: they are being hunted.

Reasons why this particular show can represent the LGBTQ community is because of the main characters' identities. 

  • Meet Lito Rodriguez, a gay Hispanic man from Spain, famous in the acting world, but closeted to the media and his fans at the beginning of it all. He is in a committed relationship with his boyfriend Hernando Fuentes.
  • Meet Nomi Marks, who was born Michael Marks, a transgender woman and lesbian who lives in San Fransisco with her girlfriend Amanita Caplan.

Though there are only 2 LGBTQ characters, their identities are a very large part of the show. The rest of the 8 characters who are connected are assumed to be heterosexual, but there are intimate and effective scenes that all of them are involved in, strongly representing the fluidity in sexuality.

- Gwen


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