Grey's Anatomy

Callie Torres: Developing a Bisexual Identity
Image result for callie torres    Callie Torres, orthopedic surgeon, was introduced to Grey’s Anatomy in season 2 and was assumed to be heterosexual. She married, and later divorced intern George O’Malley and had a casual relationship with plastic surgeon Mark Sloan. During season 5, Callie developed a close friendship with cardiothoracic surgeon Erica Hahn. Erica and Callie slept together (5x06), and while Erica came to a realization, Callie was confused about her sexual identity after this. She began to accept herself as bisexual, although the term was not yet stated in Grey’s Anatomy. Erica left the hospital after their brief relationship, and Callie soon after began a relationship with Arizona Robbins, pediatric surgeon, with them ultimately getting married in season 7. Though they have since separated, and Callie left the show during the season 12 finale, Callie is assumed to still be in a relationship with resident Penny Blake in New York.
Image result for calzona weddingCallie never made excuses for her attraction to both men and women, despite pressures from Erica, Arizona, and her parents. Erica didn’t think Callie could be “kind of a lesbian,” (5x07) while Arizona asked Callie if she was “one of those fake lesbians,” (6x18). Bisexuality is still less represented than gay or lesbian identities, and a lot of biphobia exists both within the LGBT community and society as a whole. Callie’s father also came to visit her, bringing along Father Kevin, from the church she went to as a child. She argued with her father, saying she knows that this change in her identity is an adjustment for him. They end up quoting the bible at each other, with Callie yelling that he “can’t pray away the gay,” (6x05). When Callie and Arizona got married, Callie’s mother refused to come to the wedding, and her father skipped the ceremony but showed up during the reception.  
Image result for callie torres you can't pray away the gayCallie’s identity is particularly important because she is one of the few bisexual main characters on television. Callie, despite her father bringing Father Kevin to “pray away the gay,” keeps her faith. She is seen multiple times throughout the show praying, and never loses her connection to religion. Many LGBT people lose their religious side as being LGBT is commonly unaccepted in religious settings. Callie’s parents do not approve of her bisexuality as they are Catholic, but she still wants them to come to the wedding and to stay a part of her family. Callie is also Latina, showing a character who represents both a WOC as well the LGBT community. Her story line did not just focus on her developing identity as a bisexual woman, but also other aspects of her life, such as her role as a parent, chief resident, or a surgeon. Often, LGBT characters are pushed into the background, but Callie had a main role in the show, and proudly displayed her identity.
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By: Alyssa Titus

Calzona: Relationship
Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins initially got together during season 5, but had a bumpy few years. They separated when Arizona left for Africa, but then reconnected when Arizona moved back. During this separation, Callie slept with Mark, conceiving Sofia, but then Callie and Arizona eventually married in season 7. Unfortunately, after marriage problems, they divorced in season 11.
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Their relationship was particularly influential because of Callie’s bisexual identity, and for being a interracial couple. Grey’s has been praised for allowing Callie to have a long term relationship with a woman, while many TV shows have their bisexual women characters end up in relationships with men. During season 9, Arizona lost one of her legs due to infection after a plane crash, which also took the life of Mark, Sofia’s father. This relationship, between Callie and Arizona, shows diversity not often covered in mainstream media, since Callie is Latina and bisexual, and Arizona has a disability.

Related imageGrey’s Anatomy is praised for covering an atypical family situation. Since Callie and Mark are Sofia’s biological parents, it left Arizona in a complicated spot when she got back together with Callie and learns that she’s pregnant (season 7). Though they are not biologically related, Arizona cared for Sophia as if she was her own child and eventually legally adopted her, but she and Mark argued. Arizona felt that Mark was essentially a sperm donor, but Mark felt that he too was a parent, since he was the biological father. Eventually the three of them learned to cooperate, even with the unusual family situation. Unfortunately, Mark died in season 9, after the plane crash that took Arizona’s leg. This left Callie and Arizona to raise Sofia, although they made sure she knew about her dad. Callie and Arizona divorced, resulting in a custody battle, with Arizona winning. 
Image result for callie arizona mark and sophiaArizona felt that she made a mistake by starting this long, hard battle, and gave custody to Callie. Callie moved to New York with her girlfriend, Penny, during the season 12 finale, leaving Arizona alone in Seattle. In early season 14, Sofia came back to live with Arizona. This series of events shows a diverse range of family situations, from having three parents, to switching back and forth with custody of the child.
By: Alyssa Titus

Patients: Allowing Grey’s to Increase Representation
Image result for grey's anatomy todd and darren
    Grey’s Anatomy only has a few main characters representing the LGBT community, but they have had multiple patients to help increase diversity and awareness. Grey’s does not have any LGBT male main characters, but they have had patients such as Darren (4x14) to fill these roles. Todd and Darren were both soldiers, and were in love. Darren’s father was also a soldier, and he stayed with his son when he was in the hospital. He refused to allow Todd to see his son, because he thought being gay was unacceptable. Having two gay soldiers is important, as Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was still in effect when this episode aired, and being a soldier is typically seen as very masculine and heteronormative.  Jess and Aaliyah (12x01) had a similar problem with parental disapproval. Jess and Aaliyah were high school students who were hit by a train afterImage result for jess and aaliyah greys anatomy attempting suicide. They wanted to be together, but their parents wouldn’t allow their relationship, and were planning on sending Jess to a gay conversion camp. The girls felt enough pressure that they decided to stand in front of a train, showing how much of an impact parents can have on their children’s lives. Brian and Jess (9x14) were another case of teenage love, where the parents disapproved. Brian was a transgender man, who was in the hospital for top surgery. His girlfriend, Image result for grey's anatomy brian and jessJess, was a transgender woman, and they met at a transgender support group several years earlier. Donna Gibson (3x07) was another trans patient, in the hospital for a vaginoplasty, but was diagnosed with breast cancer, due to hormone treatments. The actress, Alexandra Billings, is also trans, instead of a cisgender actress playing the character. Image result for grey's anatomy donna gibsonDonna’s wife stayed with her through her transition, though the relationship had a few snags. Ben Warren’s sister (11x12) was another trans patient, and a family member to one of the doctors. The story caused a bit of controversy, because some were glad that Grey’s had a trans patient, but Dr. Bailey, Ben’s wife, outed Rosalind when Ben didn’t understand the situation. The storyline did show the doctors being supportive of the transition, and they brought Dr. Image result for rosalind warren grey's anatomyAvery, a plastic surgeon, in to talk to Rosalind about beginning the surgical aspect of transitioning. Both Rosalind and Jess were trans people of color, which is really important as there is very little representation in these identities. The last LGBT patient is Bex (2x13), an intersex teen. She entered the hospital to remove a tumor, but after concerning hormone levels were discovered, intern George O’Malley talked to Bex and discovered she had been taking an alarming amount of birth control pills, since she felt like her body was abnormal and she didn’t fit in. Dr. Addison Montgomery discovered that Bex was intersex after taking some scans, and she and George explained this to Bex’s parents. Her parents initially wanted to remove the internal male sex Image result for bex grey's anatomyorgans without telling Bex, but George told Bex about her situation and that she didn’t have to be a girl if she didn’t want, and gave Bex a haircut when she asked. Bex’s parents were initially angry, but Bex’s mother stepped in and continued the haircut, showing support for Bex’s choice.
These LGBT patients are important to Grey’s Anatomy as they allow the show to increase representation and diversity. Though these patients are often only on the show for one episode, with the exception of Rosalind since she is family to one of the main characters, they help Grey’s play out important story lines. Many of these issues are relevant, especially parental and familial disapproval and pressure. So many LGBT people can relate to these patient stories, and the stories can help non-LGBT people learn about these identities. These characters can also help people with LGBT family members learn how to accept their family. Many of these patients’ families were initially unsupportive, but all the families, except Brian’s father, eventually came around and showed support. Heterosexuality is regarded as normal, but representing the LGBT community in Grey’s Anatomy and other media is important to normalize these identities and to help lose the stigma surrounding the community. Increased media representation will promote acceptance of the community, which is important in such a controversial time. 
By: Alyssa Titus

Non-academic Resources
Nelson, Carrie. “Visi(Bi)Lity: In Praise of Callie Torres.” Bitch Media, 14 Mar. 2012,

Tooniee, and Nerdfightergirl. “Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki.” Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki, FANDOM Powered by Wikia, 13 Nov. 2006,

S, Allise. “Midterm: Grey's Anatomy and the Bisexuality Authentication Process (Possible Spoiler Alerts!).” WGS 170: Queer Studies, Wordpress, 16 Feb. 2015,


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